Annie PAC is a Nevada political action committee established for the purpose of supporting conservative candidates, legislation and issues. Annie PAC supports…
- Individual liberty
- The Constitution
- Cutting taxes
- Cutting non-essential government spending
- Cutting unnecessary government regulations
- Gun rights
- Parental rights
- School choice
- Protections for the pre-born
- The military and law enforcement
- Free market economic policies
- Live-and-let-live public policies
If our agenda is your agenda, please sign up for Annie’s e-newsletter (click here) and consider making a financial investment (click here) in the programs and activities of Annie PAC so that we can continue fighting the good fight on your behalf.
Assemblywoman-elect Annie Black
Assembly District 19

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Recent Posts
Petition to Unlock Nevada and End the Sisolak Shutdown
AnniePAC Endorses Steven DeLisle for Nevada State Assembly
AnniePAC Endorses Richard McArthur for Nevada State Assembly
AnniePAC Endorses Jill Dickman for Nevada State Assembly
AnniePAC Endorses Wes Boger for Mesquite City Council
AnniePAC Endorses Katie Williams for Clark County School Board
Sisolak’s Brutal War on Nevada is an Economic Disaster
Hawaii, Sweden & Sisolak’s Nevada in the COVID Era
Sisolak Proclamation vs. Sisolak Recall
Welcome to AnniePAC!